Monday, July 18, 2016

Gratitude Monday: Looking away from the Gates of Hell

Man, July has certainly turned out to be a bitch, hasn’t it? And we’re barely halfway through it. Dunno about you, but I’m having to reach kind of deep into the gratitude grab bag to find an upside of anything.

It’s hard for me to decide which side to root for in the one-night coup in Turkey, but news reports yesterday of 6,000 people being taken into custody by Erdoğan frankly is not heartening. Actually, what it is is a start, and Erdoğan will have a field day settling old scores. This is a guy who shuts down social media and regularly stifles what passes for a press in that country. He doesn’t like dissent; imagine what he’s going to do with this opportunity. The undertakers of Turkey are going to be in business for a long time.

As for Nice, I have no words.

And, as of writing, Baton Rouge is a crime scene after a deadly shootout between police and one or more gunmen.

Honestly, world—WTF?

My fallback position in this kind of situation is art. So I’m mainlining on Mozart and Tracy Chapman, and I’ve gone back to Rodin for a manifestation of how I’m feeling:

This is a sketch he did for his commission, “The Gates of Hell”, which is pretty much what we’re looking at.

So my rather small gratitude today is that there are places I can go to pull away—even for a short while—from the world.

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