Monday, July 25, 2016

Gratitude Monday: the best of civilizatiion

We are at the apex of a DC summer here. I own up to the fact that, if I want to have a change of seasons, I’m going to have to put up with some discomfort. But honestly, weather, give it a rest, will ya?

Don’t believe me? Here’s the forecast as of yesterday:

Friday afternoon, the Metro car I rode on my 30-minute commute home had no air conditioning. Three middle-aged guys dressed in Hawaiian shirts, Bermuda shorts & walking shoes got on at McPherson Square, noticed the oven-like state and hopped off at Farragut West to try a different car. (I actually didn’t mind it so much for myself, but I had a container of overpriced macaroons I’d bought at the downtown farmers’ market; they’re made with sweetened condensed milk, and I was afraid they’d melt. They did.)

Saturday I had to run some errands, including going to the library, which doesn’t open until 1000. By the time I got home at 1100, my brain was pretty much fried. It was such a relief to be out of that miserable, stifling heat.

So, as that miserable, stifling heat continues unabated, I’m grateful for two things: an automatic ice maker and air conditioning. How did a society that invented both of these things ever get sidetracked into Pokémon Go and assault weapons?

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