Monday, June 27, 2016

Gratitude Monday: Almost accurate

I got a surprise Friday morning—aside from that Brexit thing, which was unpleasantly gobsmacking in its shortsightedness. Friends had tickets for a performance by Second City at the Kennedy Center for that night’s performance. One of the had to work; did I want to go see it?

Well, I’m not the world’s biggest fan of improv, but opportunities like that don’t ordinarily drop out of the sky. So I said sure. It made for kind of a long day, since I get into work extra early during periods when the Metro’s Blue Line is buggered. But it was great catching up with my friend, and the performance, “Second City’s Almost Accurate Guide to America”, turned out to be exceptionally funny.

Well—I was a teensy bit surprised that the political skewering vastly favored the liberal viewpoint, but perhaps conservatives don’t go to the Kennedy Center? (The other performance was Kinky Boots; I’m guessing that the butts in those seats weren’t Republican ones, either.) Or perhaps they dislike improv more than I do?

I’m also not sure that the fiberglass wig worn by the guy playing Trump isn’t a fire hazard. But the fiberglass wig worn by the real guy playing Trump looks like a fire hazard, and he gets all kinds of gigs, so that may not be an issue with OSHA.

But as it turns out, the improv bits were minimal, and not at all painful to me. And, as I said, it was very, very funny, with one interlude that captured the battlefield experience of America’s wars for the past 50 years. That was not at all funny, because it was so accurate.

I also loved the consciousness-raising of Dolly Madison.

So today I’m grateful for a lovely evening to finish out the week, a very nice surprise, and friends who roped me into it.

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