Thursday, June 30, 2016


You know how I feel about promoted tweets, a feeling that (as I’ve reported) is shared by a good portion of the Twitterverse. And given the kind of trolling that annoying people on social media opens you to, I really wonder why some organizations make the decision to pay $0.50 to $2.00 per engagement transaction (favorite, retweet, reply). Especially when most of those replies are nothing but snarking-before-blocking.

For example, this one came into my timeline a while ago:

And just before I hit block, I looked at the replies, most of which heartened me no end. E.g.:

And (my special favorite):

Taking the average price per engagement of $1.35 (which I found, of course, on a blog site), the cost to this organization to shove their product into the faces of people who clearly are not even their ancillary target market was in the range of $2500 (for the likes and retweets, which may well be from their friends and family members). Then they paid another $50 or so for the replies (at time of my viewing).

I suppose that knowing the advertiser had to pay for the trolling is just icing on the cake of what are often the funniest Tweets out there.

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