Monday, May 16, 2016

Gratitude Monday: The scent of spring

I rambled around my NoVa neighborhood on Saturday and Sunday. It’s an old one—well, reasonably old by Virginia standards. New construction is seeping into it, but for now, at least, the balance is in favor of houses that date well back into the early part of the last century.

The yards are old landscaping, too, which I really enjoy. Especially when I come across an abundance of flowers. No matter what kind of crappy mood I’m in, flowers on the hoof always lift my spirits.

And on both days, I experienced the joy of walking into a wall of the scent of wild roses before I actually paid attention to the shrubs.

And then there were the beautiful flowers themselves.

It’s been a while since I’ve had that kind of encounter, and I’m very grateful for being reminded that all sorts of beauty fill my life every day.

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