Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Belief systems

There’s just so much to wonder about when you come across something like this:

I guess I can understand why a state that still hasn’t reconciled itself to union with the likes of Minnesota, California and Vermont would choose to display “In God we trust” on license plates instead of “E pluribus unum”.

Evidently the Commonwealth, in its quest to dislodge citizens from their money, offers “more than 200 unique plates” that allow vehicle owners to flaunt affiliations with colleges, military branches and special interests. You can even get your company logo slapped up on a license plate. For the right emollient.

This anything-for-a-buck mindset must be the explanation for the “Don’t tread on me” plate, in 1950s oxidized mustard background with the coiled rattlesnake on it.

The Old Dominion has clearly descended from the environment of Madison, Marshall and Lee to the stomping ground of Tea Partiers.

But back to the Godly plate. What I wonder is, what, exactly, is the driver trusting the Almighty to do? Protect him/her from other drivers? Clear a path through Beltway traffic? Jam the State Police’s radar? Produce parking spots on demand?

This is a heavy burden for any deity.

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