Monday, March 21, 2016

Gratitude Monday: Not rose-colored Windows

I have to preface my Monday gratitude with stating unequivocally that I am not in the least grateful that Microsoft saw fit to mess with their Windows and Office interfaces so as to give the appearance (as opposed to the substance) of a better user experience. So far, my UX with Win10/Office 365 is that they suck on every level.

(How bad could it possibly be, you ask? So bad that two different individuals, both techies, advised me to bag the Outlook “desktop client” and just use Gmail webmail, which I don't much fancy. I liked the old desktop client; it felt substantial. This one offers all the crappiness of webmail, but layers on more complexity.)

However, I’m deeply grateful that my trusty Samsung Series 9 laptop lasted for a good year longer than every Dell I’ve ever had, & that I can still use it as a backup if I ever decide to dropkick this one with all its Windows-y annoyance straight into the pool.

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