Thursday, March 31, 2016

Flagging content

‘Kay, just to show that pols are pols the world around, let’s talk about Patrice Hardy, a Sinn Féin member of the Mid- and East Antrim Borough Council, in Northern Ireland.

Hardy wanted to show her solidarity with the goals of the Easter Rising on social media by a spot of flag waving.

Except she slapped up thirteen icons of the flag of Côte d’Ivoire, not the Republic of Ireland.

(Personally, I’d have smacked her one upside the head for using ten exclamation points in a row.)

Côte d’Ivoire


Yeah, I understand it’s kind of an easy mistake to make, especially if you’ve already started your celebration. But if you’re an Irish nationalist in Ulster, you really ought to make the extra effort to not look like a prize gobshite. Especially if you’re trying to make A Statement.

P.S. A couple of years ago a football club shop on the Shankill Road in Belfast (ground zero for Protestant unionism and UVF thuggery) had countries-of-the-world flags strung across their front window to celebrate the World Cup. Shop staff actually had to put up a note informing outraged members of the public that the tricolor flag they had was from Ivory Coast, not Ireland.

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