Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Piss off, Facebook

Between Facebook prompting me to find out what “people are saying” about every step in this presidential election and foisting “memories” on me, I rather wish I were still in the Valley They Call Silicon so I could deposit some sort of memory on their doorstep.

It’s not like I don’t click the Close-X on the former every time it presents itself to me, or on the “Hide post” box every time that presents itself to me.

I even walk through the extremely limited and kludgy interface that they give you to tell them which dates and people you want to block.

(And isn’t it interesting that they don’t give you the option of never displaying used memories ever again, and that they frame your preferences in terms of “blocking” people, like you’re being anti-social?)

I find it both annoying and insulting that they’ve built their little algorithms on the premise that Facebook knows better how to live my life (both past and present) than I do.

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