Friday, January 22, 2016

Fundraising for art

One of the rooms I visited in the National Gallery on Monday had as a focal point what’s referred to in British garden improvement shows as a “water feature”. This one is called “Venus and Cupid”; I forget who sculpted it.

In addition to the usual spitting fish, at the goddess’s feet, this one had an interesting element: water drips from the hair that Venus is wringing, onto a dish held by Cupid, and then splashes into the pool below.

But here’s the thing that stumps me every single time I encounter it: the pool is completely lined with coins. I mean—look at it:

What is it with people and contained bodies of water that they feel obliged to toss money into it? In the few minutes I was in the room three sets of parents gave their offspring coins to throw into the pool.

I mean, I’m sure that every little bit helps the budget of the National Gallery, but this is one practice I just do not get.

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