Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Cold snap

My, my, my; weather here in the District They Call Columbia has turned nippy. Quite the shock for someone who’s been living in the paradise of the Bay Area. The instant you walk out the door you know you’re not going to be able to scrump oranges and lemons off trees along your walking route.

In fact, it’s so cold your eyes tear up and you start worrying about your mascara running.

Back when I first lived in this area (back in the last century), it took me years to take precautions against the cold. I’d hare out of the house and be halfway down the block before I’d realize how bleedin’ cold it was, especially for ungloved hands. But by that, time, of course, I was half a block away and shivering.

Repeated frozen digits didn’t seem to make any kind of dent in my SoCal sensibilities, however, so I solved the problem by stuffing gloves in the pockets of every coat and jacket I owned. And although I only have two coats with me at the moment, fortunately they both have gloves in the pockets.

Yes, I did walk out of a coffee shop yesterday leaving one of the gloves on the counter, but I assure you that I almost immediately realized the error and fetched it back.

Turns out that, because I almost never needed a coat in the Valley They Call Silicon, I’ve never thought to pull the gloves out of the pockets. Thank God.

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