Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The kingdom of this world

You can’t have a Christmas season without a rendition of “Hallelujah Chorus”, can you? And you know what a sucker I am for flash mobs singing it. I’ve done entire Decembers with a different one every week.

For this year I’m going back to one of my favorites, at a Calgary shopping mall food court. There have been plenty of them in the five years since this one surprised unsuspecting mall rats, but I like this one right much. For one thing, the acoustics are better than a lot of the ones in multi-level atria. (There’s one from the Paris Opera Society from a couple of years ago. I wanted to share that, but it just doesn’t sound good enough, even though I’m sure it was a spectacular experience.)

And for another—they were the pioneers in “Hallelujah” flash mobbery. They set the tradition.

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