Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Churches filled with pride and gold

You might consider today’s piece an unlikely Christmas carol, but it fits right in to the theme of pushing aside all the clamor and clutter of typical holiday activities. Written by Jackson Browne, and performed here by him with The Chieftains, I think “The Rebel Jesus” is a perfect reminder of what things are done these days in the name of saviors, prophets and gods of one stripe or another.

In the case of a baby born in a stable in the backwater of empire, the idea of churches spending millions to cover up long-term crimes against the most vulnerable of their parishes, of televangelists in $3000 suits barely visible behind the pay-by-credit-card logos and of Bible-spewing maniacs spraying innocent people with death on full-auto is just surreal.

And I say—right on, my brothers. And sisters. Right on.

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