Monday, November 30, 2015

Gratitude Monday: A lighter load

If you’ve ever moved house, you know that there’s nothing like facing packing up all your possessions to make you realize how much stuff you have. Usually, it’s an appalling realization, and the longer you’ve been in place, the worse the feeling on account of you’ve had more time to accumulate.

I’ve moved four times since 2008, and I’ve culled a lot of things every time. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t still have a lot of stuff to get rid of, even though I’ve gone through a couple of rounds of decluttering in this past year.

However, since the beginning of October I’ve been applying much stricter criteria for what I really, really want to keep with me, which means that yesterday a couple of guys from a company called Remoov (no, I do not make this stuff up) took away a queen sized bed, Ikea furniture and a whole lot of bin bags of clothes, kitchenware, books and miscellanea from my third-floor-no-elevator flat.

I have to say that I feel lighter for watching that stuff go. I’m going to be camping out for a bit on an air mattress until my final move, but it’s such a relief to find a way to unburden myself—because that’s what it feels like. A burden of possessions has been lifted from me, and I’m very grateful for that.

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