Monday, March 2, 2015

Gratitude Monday: Friendly help

Last week my Gratitude Monday post mentioned (somewhat obliquely) that I’m looking for fulltime employment. The post wasn’t actually about the job search, and Lord knows there’s little enough gratitude-worthy about being out of regular work (although I have found moments of brightness in it). Really, all I was doing was talking about how practicing gratitude makes a difference in my life.

So today I’m grateful that someone in Virginia, whom I know only through another friend (and then Facebook), read the post and reached out to me to ask where I live and what I’m looking for. Then she followed up with two introductions via LinkedIn.

One of those has already connected with me, and I hope to have a conversation with him soon.

Look—there’s no guarantee that this guy will lead to something I can really sink my teeth into. But it might—indirectly, if not directly.

And it’s the mere fact that someone noticed, offered to help, and then did so that completely makes my day. Just, you know, humanity and kindness. That makes all the difference in the universe when you’re trying to push through challenges.

It also reminds me to do the same wherever I see the opportunity, which is another cause for thanks.

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