Thursday, February 12, 2015

Out of chaos

As follow-up to my post on de-cluttering, I’ve got a couple of things for you.

I realized that, while I find the chaos of clutter really, really disturbing (almost literally unsettling, as though I’m in a swamp with no solid ground), it occurred to me that clutter actually serves a purpose.

Because when something is all covered up by mess, and you literally can’t see it, then you don’t have to deal with it. I’m not saying that not “dealing with it” doesn’t have consequences, or that that hidden thing can’t reach out and strike like a snake just because you won’t lift the cover of a few (inches of) papers off it.

But once I have it in full view, I just can’t winkle it back into oblivion. I have to take action, because I can’t pretend it’s gone the way I can pretend it’s hidden.

So, while de-cluttering is really a good feeling, it’s not one long E-ticket ride, nothing but yippees, let me tell you.

I was telling my BFF about my clearing wheeze, especially getting my kitchen counter back; she sounded a little envious. “You’re lucky that you’re not living with a male. Because as soon as you clear a surface, he comes along and thinks, ‘Hey—countertop. Let me put these things right here!’”

I know what she means. But in the spirit of full disclosure I replied, “Yeah—but I can clutter for Cal. It’s in my genetic structure.” I do not like to think what this place would be like if I had to contend with that. But maybe the Santa Clara County Jail has good food? And whatever space you have while awaiting your manslaughter trial probably doesn’t include the opportunity to import stuff to leave lying about. So it’s not all downside.

But on another note, I got an excellent idea for motivating the ongoing de-clutter project from my friend Hanne, which I share with you for free, because it is elegant in its simplicity and ferocious in its effectiveness:

Pouring a glass of your favorite spirits while you are going through piles, helps. When I tried to get my home office organized I bought a bottle of Grey Goose, and I was only allowed to have a drink out af that bottle is I put in an hour doing Office-organization LOL. It works.

You’re welcome.

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