Monday, February 23, 2015

Gratitude Monday: Practice, practice

In addition to my posts here for Gratitude Monday, I’ve taken up the practice of calling out three things each day for which I’m grateful. I could do it privately, but I just started slapping up posts on Facebook, in this format: “May I spill over with gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon me, of which there are many. Today I am grateful for:” and then I slap up three things.

There are days (the ones when it totally sucks to be me) when I really have to reach for something, much less three of them.

(And because it totally messes with the karma to use a negative, I have to refrain from such things as “Not having an allergy to shellfish” or “At least Anthem is no longer my healthcare insurance”.)

The other day I was talking with a friend who’s also job hunting. She practices conscious gratitude as well—last thing before going to sleep she names ten things she’s grateful for, “Even if it’s just my favorite jam on my breakfast toast.” And she told me she really loves my little triad of thanks.

So today I am grateful for the practice of gratitude. I know it makes me a better person, and it certainly improves my attitude about pretty much everything.

Except Anthem, of course. They totally suck.

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