Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Okay, I may have moved up the loathing spectrum on “The Little Drummer Boy.”

My long-held conviction has always been that it is not possible to sing that piece without sounding drunk (yes, even children’s choirs do); it just has a tempo and melody that sound like sots hanging on to bar stools at closing time.

(The corollary to this is that you really want to be well and truly lit before listening to it, because otherwise it’s just too painful.)

However, in the past few days I’ve come across a couple of renditions that have opened my eyes, and possibly my ears, to the notion that LDB might have…possibilities.

I shared the reimagined version with you last week, the one that might possibly count as dog abuse. But yesterday I came across this one, with Christopher Lee singing. Singing Heavy Metal:

Yes, obviously, I am not making this up. Dracula-Saruman just lets it rip in a way that you won’t believe until you hear it. Maybe not even then.

You’re welcome.

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