Monday, December 22, 2014

Calendar girls. And boys

If you’re still looking for a present for that challenging recipient on your list, consider this unique possibility. Yes, it’s a calendar; but what a calendar.

Residents in a retirement home in Essen, Germany, made a calendar featuring photos of them recreating iconic film scenes.

Think about it: your gran and gramps as Rose and Jack in Titanic.


Or Jake and Elwood in The Blues Brothers.

Or Tony and Stephanie in Saturday Night Fever.

Really, this thing is such a hoot.

But wait—there’s more.

Retirees from communities in several US states also decided to let it all hang out and created a calendar of their own, again based on iconic films and pop culture moments.

So here we have:

Charlie’s Angels:

(Do not mess with them. Just don’t.)


(I'd peel her a grape.)


(They might have pulled some of those clothes from the back of their closets.)

From all appearances it looks like these folks were having a blast. And extra super points to the gran who channeled Ursula Andress in Dr. No.

You go, girl!

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