Friday, December 19, 2014

Any port in a storm

The other night I had a girls’ night out with a couple of friends and we exchanged our Christmas gifts. One of the prize ones for me was a paper menorah.

Look, I love any festival that involves light in the darkness, and I don’t understand why I have not acquired a menorah across the years, but Amy and Natalie made that right. It was even better because I unwrapped it exactly three minutes before Hanukkah officially started.

Plus Amy and Natalie knew how to put it together. I was basically useless.

Anyhow, we “lighted” the shamash and the first night’s candle, and then we went out for the traditional Persian meal.

We spent the rest of the evening driving around the Valley They Call Silicon, looking at holiday light displays.

Well, the next day I was cleaning up the menorah detritus, and had a good look at the package. First of all, I hadn’t realized it’s called “Port-a-Menorah”; but there it is.

But what I really got a kick out of was the blurb on the back:

Specifically, the product comparison matrix between the traditional menorah and the Port-a-Menorah:

It seems that one of the benefits of this version is that it’s “not a fire hazard.”

But only, apparently, if you don’t set it on fire.

I totally love these Port-a-Menorah people.

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