Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Remember the tiggies

Apparently there are health and safety issues inherent when you’re building bonfires to celebrate the suppression of religious minorities, as people will be doing all over the UK tonight.

(Oh, alright—officially Guy Fawkes Day is about the foiling of a plot to blow up Parliament in 1605. And the plotters were Roman Catholic. Which gave Church of England Protestants reasons to stick it to Catholics in particular and everyone who wasn’t CoE in general for centuries to come. This evolved into the Bonfire Night activities of today.)

So, yes—check under your pile of wood for any cute little critters that might be inadvertently char-be-cued in your death-to-Catholics ritual.

I expect the danger to humans increases with the consumption of alcohol, as well. But the health and safety folks probably reckon that the lager lout crowd won’t be reading caution posters, so they don’t bother with them.

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