Friday, November 7, 2014

Post-election blues

For some reason, the outcome of Tuesday’s elections makes me think of the most recent Viagra commercial being run by Pfizer.

Because there are a whole lotta new officeholders who are going to want to show who’s got the biggest appendage. And I expect that many of them will require some chemical enhancement.

I found this commercial bizarre—advertising the treatment for a middle-aged man’s dysfunction by showing nothing but a 20-something blonde bimbo with a British accent.

At first I thought it must be a parody, because…well, because it’s even dorkier than the Cialis twin bathtubs in the sunset. 

But then I realized that the target market for Vitamin V is precisely the middle-aged male looking to recapture his (possibly imagined) youth by disporting with endless bimbos. So I suppose never actually showing a, you know, guy with some years on him opens up everyone’s imagination.

I pretty much lost it toward the end, though, with this shot:

Nothing soft-sell about this pitch, is there?

Anyhow, I’m sure that all the newly-elected pols up and down the scale have health insurance that will cover all the little blue pills they could want. Since we’re talking the opposite of birth control.

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