Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Space availble

As long as I’m on the subject of people who think they’re entitled to more than everyone else (at least in matters vehicular), here’s a new (to me) variant:

Leaving a bicycle in a parking spot. In a multi-office building’s parking lot. Which is full. (Note: the space next to the Subaru was blocked off from use because of some surveying work going on.)

When, by the way, there are bike racks next to the various building entrances.

The car that typically parks in that area is a vintage T-bird, and I noticed it (and its middle-aged male driver) leaving as I pulled carefully into the lot around noonish. I say carefully, because the lot has poor traffic flow design to begin with, and a seasonal pumpkin patch installation in the next lot has screwed things up even more than usual.

So I’m wondering if the bike was left there to save “his” spot. (And it’s all unassigned parking. That building houses startups when they’ve got too big for the garage but haven’t yet either been bought by Facebook or gone down in flames, so the tenant population ebbs and flows.)

If so, I hope someone in a BMW SUV pulled into the spot (which is pretty blind from one direction) and crushed the sucker.

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