Thursday, August 21, 2014

Neither wit nor wisdom; not by half

As I was saying yesterday, there is no end to the credulity and idiocy of people with Internet connectivity, especially those on social media.

For example, this has been making the rounds since the news of Robin Williams committing suicide last week (frequently accompanied by solemn virtual nods and "so true"), and it just makes me want to kick someone:

Honestly, people: stringing together a few disjointed platitudes and tacking on the name of a Chinese philosopher constitutes neither wisdom nor kindness. And these particular platitudes are just fatheaded. 

Depression has nothing to do with living in the past. Living in the future may or may not involve some degree of anxiety. And living in the present can include dealing with all manner of shit, with no peace in sight.

As for Lao Tzu being responsible for this pernicious codswallop, show some respect.

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