Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Let the punishment fit the crime

While I’m on the subject of library vagaries, I came across this in a book from the Mountain View Public Library:

This is the first time I’ve ever seen this kind of WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! And I’ve been checking books out of libraries for a really, really long time. Including from MVPL for more than four years now.

I mean, I get it that you’re only borrowing the materials, and you’re essentially sharing them with everyone else who wants to check the resources out, too.

But I’m not sure that this notice will deter those so inclined from defacing or stealing the books and whatnot.

The particular book with the WARING! WARNING! WARNING! was a cookbook. I wonder if they have a special problem with cookbooks being returned with burn marks and sauce splashes sticking the pages together?

If so, I wasn't the guilty party.

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