Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dairy intake

Okay, we’re headed into the dog days, so I thought, well, time for something animal-related that’s just plain funny.

First off, I give you Bob and Dice, two cats who like yoghurt.

Bob just goes for it, possibly thinking that there’s enough for both of them. Dice is not having that, and Bob doesn’t seem to figure out what’s happening.

Perhaps he’s used to it; although he looks rather befuddled. At least there’s no fur flying.

And then we have Daisy and Cooper, two dogs who obviously like McDonald’s ice cream. If you can watch this without cracking up, you need to have your sourpuss intake adjusted.

At first I felt sorry for Cooper, because he shows such anxious longing, it was just heart wrenching. Then he went into action.

Actually, I had to watch it a couple of times, because I think he shot into hyperdrive, and I wasn’t sure what I’d just seen.

It’s videos like these that make me think the whole Internet is worth it.