Tuesday, July 22, 2014

To protect and serve

I came across this sight driving along Central Expressway (or, as my sat-nav insists on calling it, “Central Ex-pwee”) in Mountain View.

(Oh, hold your horses—I was parked at the stoplight and my camera was right there.)

I have to say that I spent some time wondering how a cop car, with a cop driving it, could be “Out of Service”. No doughnut shops anywhere near there. Not even a Starbucks (which I know you’ll hardly credit, but it’s true).

I also wondered what would happen if that cop came across any situation that required police response—traffic accident, 7-Eleven robbery in progress, alien landing? Would he call 911?

STOP PRESS: The Mountain View PD tweeted me that this is their fleet attendant (not a sworn officer), who shuttles vehicles headed to and from maintenance. So I'm guessing that the 911 call would be the appropriate action for alien-sightings. 

I'll stand down, now.

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