Monday, July 28, 2014

Gratitude Monday: I get by...

I checked my mail this morning and found a package of CDs sent by a friend in Virginia. Seeing it in my mailbox made me cry a little, because the gift was such a kindness and because it could not have come at a time when I could use a bit of that any more than I do at the moment.

I have not been looking forward to this week, for a lot of reasons, mostly to do with unpleasant tasks and uncomfortable realities that I cannot turn away from any longer. Oh—and enough fear and loathing to keep Hunter S. Thompson in pharmaceuticals for at least16 months.

The CDs are theme music from some classic western films, the Band of the Royal Irish Regiment and a Tannahill Weavers disc. The range should just about cover whatever crap I have to deal with this week, and if I factor in just the wee splash of single malt to look forward to on Friday I just might make it through the next few days.

As the man said, with a little help from my friends. For whom I am grateful every day.

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