Friday, June 27, 2014

Uncovered and untouched

I’m not sure what the deal was, because I almost never actually see TV commercials. That’s on account of I either fast-forward the DVR, flip channels or just completely tune out. However, this time I watched the commercial:

And it turns out that having to touch your toilet to flush it is…an issue in many homes. At least in enough of them to warrant Kohler and other manufacturers making and marketing these touchless-flush toilets.

Apparently there are a lot of homes whose occupants would rather pay upwards of $900 for such a fixture than, you know, wipe it down with Lysol every once in a while.

Well, okay, but what I worry about is where are people going to put their crochet-covered rolls of toilet paper, since they can’t display them on the top of the tank? You know, like:


Or what about:

End of an era?


  1. Who lifts the lid? Who lifts the seat? Who puts them back down? Are there little antibiotic gloves? Tongs?
    You still have to wash your hands.
    What happens WHILE you are cleaning the loo? does it just flush continuously as you swab your sponge over the top of the tank?

  2. Hmm--if it flushes continuously, that's going to bugger the whole notion of low-flush water conservancy.
