Friday, May 2, 2014

The saint of Sienna

This came across my Facebook feed from a friend, and it gave me a chuckle:

On account of, although the picture correctly spells Saint Catherine’s home town with only one N, the Church of the Holy Comforter twice spelled it with two in their original post.

Although I can see why they might do that: Holy Comforter is located in Vienna, Va.

But then yesterday I was at a stoplight behind one of those mom-mobiles and realized that there is something that spells it with two Ns, the Toyota mini-van.

And then—you know me—I started wondering what the woman who brought the papacy back to Rome, and brokered peace between the warring cities of Italy might have done if she’d actually been Catherine of Sienna? You know—if she’d had one of these fully-loaded vans to take her places instead of a donkey. 

I mean, instead of saving the pope she might have become the pope.

Well, that one’s going to keep me going for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED this one, XIE! You're the only blogger I know who can be sweet and wry in the same sentence.
