Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's all in the basket

Ah, the New Year. It may be clichéd, but I’m looking forward to playing 2014 for everything it’s worth, and I have high expectations for it.

I cleared the decks last night by burning el Año Viejo. And my list of crap to leave behind wasn’t nearly as long as my list of things to be grateful for—the “keeper” list, if you will.

Anyhow, this idea came past me on social media, and I decided I’m going to follow through on it:

It’s a variant of the notion of living in gratitude, and I really like it. Every day I’ll note on scraps of paper the good things of the day and toss them into a basket. Periodically during the year—maybe at regular intervals, or perhaps when I’m feeling rather cranky and ill-done-by, I’ll dip into my stash for a little spiritual top-up. And at the end of the year, I’ll have a complete orgy of goodness.

As far as I’m concerned, a “good thing” could involve me, could be observed by me or just be something I hear about. I’m open to all manifestations of “good”. And it could be as small as finding a parking space when I’m late for an appointment or as large as having peace break out somewhere in the world. Catching a Chopin Nocturne unexpectedly on the radio, watching a child play with a dog, receiving an email from a friend, nailing an interview; they all count for me.

By 0800 this morning, I already had two in the basket, including coming out to a dining table full of gifts a friend and her daughter brought me before we went to lunch yesterday. I mean—it’s covered with lovely things, including a bottle of Downton Abbey claret and one of the tackiest Christmas sweater ever.

And just now there was an IM from a friend in Virginia who has a job interview tomorrow for a great opportunity!

See how easy this is?

Happy New Year!

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