Friday, December 20, 2013

Otter nonsense

I should really give you a holiday-related Friday funny, but this breaking news out of Plymouth, England, just, uh…broke in.

To be more precise, an otter apparently broke in to a “fish store” (not entirely clear to me from the story whether that refers to an actual bricks-and-mortar shop or some kind of storage compound/area for quantities of seafood) and was wreaking havoc as only an otter can do when the staff arrived for work in the morning.

They called the cops, but they were “unable to attend as the thief is believed to be an otter.”

The assessment from local cop Sgt. Ryan Canning had me snorting coffee onto my keyboard, “Probably too fat to swim now.”

Also, I loved the strategy, worked out, after consultation from the Otter Sanctuary, the RSPCA & the Dartmoor Zoo, to leave a trail of fish from the compound to the open water.

I really hope there’s a follow-up story on the status of the otter, and whether it managed to waddle away or if it’s invited its extended family back for an otter frat party. That would be something for the news.

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