Monday, December 30, 2013

Gratitude Monday: the whole blessed year

Since it’s the last Monday of 2013, I thought I’d take a bit of time to think about all the things I’ve had this year to be thankful for. And it turns out to be quite a robust list.

First of all comes the category of friends, of which I have the absolute primo finest-kind. I won’t recount all the evidence of that this year, or else I’d be writing well into 2014; so just a few highlights.

I’m really grateful that my BFF has received very good news from her oncological radiologist. So happy and grateful.

Also very thankful that when I spoke with her early this month in distress, she invited me down to Palm Springs so I could meet up with family, basically dropping most of her holiday social plans for the weekend to accommodate me. It was a gross imposition on my part to call her on a Wednesday afternoon and then be there by 1000 on the Friday, but it was a wonderful solace to me, and I’m so grateful that she was there for me in all senses of the word.

Also—seriously grateful that her husband was making an apple pie for a party they were going to on Saturday; because when I declined their invitation to go, John made me a rustic apple tart all for myself. I’d show you a picture, except I ate it before it occurred to me to take one. Your loss, totally my gain

I did get some shots of their Christmas lights, though—it was a completely lovely, peaceful evening; a much appreciated gift from the two of them to me.

I’m also grateful for my friend Carol Ann in Virginia, who called me a couple of months ago when she really needed someone to talk with. I was truly glad I could help her—especially considering all the times I’ve called her barely able to talk through the tears. I miss our weekly breakfasts, and I look forward to the time when they can resume.

Thanks to her, BTW, I now have four of the most beautiful wine glasses ever. She gave me the first one before I left Virginia for Washington, and ever since then it’s been the first thing I unpack in a move, so that my first glass of wine in a new place is out of it. I loved that glass with a love that bordered on idolatry, so I was just devastated when about 18 months ago I broke it.

But each Christmas I get another one, so even though that original glass is gone, I could have three people over for dinner and not look like an inhospitable pig by saving the prettiest glass for myself.

(She gave me the little finger monsters, too. Also I get the best refrigerator magnets from her. And articles clipped from magazines. And books about redheads, and about shoes.)

Another friend—dating from my days in Virginia, but out here now—is a staunch supporter. I can always count on Amy to lift my spirits.

Plus—she’s another fan of department store lunch rooms. I love the lunches we’ve had at Neiman-Marcus.

I’m deeply grateful for the friend who took me on a Golden Gate adventure on my birthday. That entire day was a hoot, starting with the most varieties of dahlias I’ve ever seen. Like this:

And this:

And this:

Plus—a ride on a really old carousel:

That day was stellar; what a great gift.

A friend of mine here has taught me a whole lot about social media. Whenever I have a job interview coming up, Mary always gives me perspective and insights. Because of her I talk a much better game than I used to. Plus—I actually understand what I’m talking about, which impresses me no end.

(Mary gave me the key to answering that God-awful “What do you do when you’re not working?” interview question. I’m so waiting for the next interviewer to ask me that.)

Speaking of social media—I have to say that, on the whole, I’m really glad I stepped up my Twitter game. It’s been a half year of thought-provoking, exasperating, illuminating and cringeworthy tweets for me.

I followed an articulate, impassioned ex-con, joined in with the snarkers sticking it to JP Morgan, discovered that there’s a band called Tofu Meatballs (and of course they tweet), and really enjoyed some of the hashtag campaigns—the goofier the better.

I exchange thoughts with (among a whole range of others) British cops, Australian housewives (with really, really big spiders) and people (or entities) of uncertain origin or mental stability.

And very—very—occasionally, one of them actually reads my blog. I was in a frenzy of joy last July when one of them DM’d me—unsolicited—saying (and I quote): “I like your blog.” Most beautiful four words in the English language. Better even than “Will you marry me?” I was doing the happy dance for a week off that.

Seriously grateful for that, Twitter Guy.

This was a year when I drank in appreciation—one of my friends assured me, “No one who writes as wittily and well as you do can possibly be as boring as you allege.” Roo is a guy who knows from wit, so really basked in that. Another friend commented that my post on the battle of Gettysburg “would have graced the NYTimes, or any other publication.” Like Roo, the Pundit’s Apprentice’s opinion on such matters get my respect, even when he’s talking about me.

I’m grateful that I’ve got a couple of very attractive job prospects, with interviews presumably to take place in early January. And that I’m confident that I have a story to tell them about how I can contribute, and supporters who recharge that confidence all the time.

All in all, this has been a most excellent year, and I’m grateful for all the people who tipped it into the positive side. Watch out, 2014!

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