Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Deck the halls and lawns

You know, you just gotta love people here in the Valley they call Silicon; tradition just means…who knows what to them.

I’ve already mentioned how they go whole hog on decorating for Halloween. Turns out they have a somewhat different take on the whole yule thing.

Here’s one:

Because nothing says Christmas like Darth Vader duking it out with Yoda. Especially since they’re on the same lawn as a whole Snoopy contingent.

Then there’s the house that just can’t get beyond Halloween:

But one that quite grabs my attention is the one so full of joy...

That it has no fewer than three nativity scenes out:

Plus Mickey, Minnie and the Peanuts gang behind one of the nativities.

Since I first took those pictures, they’ve added this sign urging us to simplify the holiday. Which I find rather droll.

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