Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The wonder of Twitter

Okay—as you’ve heard me say before, the Twitter-dot-com is a strange, strange place.

The other day there was a #AddAWordRuinAMovie trend going. You know, Finding Nemo Dead, Saturday Night Yellow Fever, Schindler’s Grocery List, Miracle Whip on 34th Street, The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe Malfunction

Listen, I’m having a hard time cutting myself off from these. If you want more, click here.

Naturally, I had a few entries, including Tofu Meatballs, which I thought a rather clever oxymoron. Particularly if you recall the 1979 film with Bill Murray. But it’s hardly going to stand up against the likes of Adult Toy Story or The Fairy Godfather or Gone with the Breaking Wind.

So imagine my surprise when I received notification that someone had retweeted my humble effort.

And then imagine my guffaw when it turned out that the retweeter is a pop-punk-unity band from Indonesia. Called Tofu Meatballs.

It’s days like this that make it all worthwhile.

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