Monday, October 21, 2013

Gratitude Monday: Not the Library of Alexandria, but...

For Gratitude Monday today, I’m grateful that the Sunnyvale Public library finally transferred the Santa Clara County Library book that I accidentally turned into them back to SCCL.

I admit full culpability—I thought I checked that it was a SPL book before I took it in, but obviously I didn’t check carefully enough. I’m also not sure why their computerized system accepted it—in the past, it’s rejected books from other systems. This time it took it, but just receipted it with a barcode, not the title.

Then, when I got the “you’ve got books coming due” notice from SCCL, I realized what I’d done. I went to SPL to see if they’d shelved it—if they had, surely their system wouldn’t have let anyone check it out, right?

Well—not on the shelves and not in their collection of “books from other library systems”. The person at the information desk said they’d send it off to SCCL, but “it takes time.”

“Time” is apparently nine days.

I renewed it electronically, and kept checking SCCL online every day for its return. And finally—O bliss—it was off my “checked-out” list.

I’m really grateful I didn’t have to pay for it. It wasn’t that good a book.

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