Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Good citizenship

Sorry, folks, but I’m at my wits’ end—I have to revamp my LinkedIn profile, because evidently I’m driving away potential hiring companies in droves; and I also have to prepare a one-page “summary” of myself for a brainstorming session. So I really don’t have much left over to share with you today.

Here’s the deal: I’d rather swallow a family of live hedgehogs (PETA: this is a metaphor) than talk about myself. Ergo the apparently coma-inducing profile. (The brainstorming session is to help out a friend, who’s running an “Uncover Your Calling” workshop. I’m a special guest calling-uncoverer, to give the participants an example of how you go about giving the class an idea of what you're looking for so they can brainstorm on your behalf. This will be my third time brainstorming for Marcia's workshops. Either I'm good or no one else will come back.)

But it’s got to be done.

So I’ll leave you with this heartening photo.

It’s nice to know that there are good people out there.

I just wish they could rewrite my profile for me.

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