Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Follower number six--my claim to fame

As you know, I find the Twitter-dot-com a great place for people watching. You can follow anyone there—from convicted felons to the Pope. I use my account to tap into all kinds of perspectives, including a few people who fall into the celebrity category.

No—not Kardashian-celebrity. But it turns out that William Shatner, for example, is pretty clever. And he really understands social media: he does a pretty good job of engaging with people; he does some promoting, but isn’t obnoxious about it; and he doesn’t get involved in flame-wars.

Well, I was Twitter-searching for Names I Know one day and came across Ray Stevenson. And I quite like some of his acting work, so I became follower number six (about which I tweeted). Even though I thought his presence there was kind of, well, bewildered. In a sweet, rather Titus Pullo way:

Since then he’s deleted a few tweets and added a couple, for a total in his queue of six tweets in five months.

Clearly he’s not quite grasping this whole thing, not even to the extent of hiring some tenth grader to toss out a few tweets every couple of weeks. He’s still collecting followers, though; and I live in hope.

But, you know, I'm not really following him for his social media skills; he has other assets.

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