Friday, October 11, 2013

Dunk or no--what's the done thing?

Well, alrighty then—for today’s Friday frolic, I’m giving you the social story of the week: the posting on Mumsnet headed, “Do you dunk your penis?”

And, no—I am not making this up.

First of all, I didn’t even know Mumsnet existed until something came across my Twitter feed. Oddly—only my blog account; the folks in Big Data, Enterprise SaaS, Social Media advice & the like appear to have missed it.

(But speaking of Big Data—evidently there was so much traffic to the thread that it crashed the Mumsnet servers. Too much of a good thing, it seems.)

Anyhow—the user named Sara Crewe described her post-sex hygiene arrangements, for herself and her partner, and then asked if anyone else didn’t do the same thing. Anyone? Anyone at all?

Because, “apparently our penis beaker is strange and not the done thing.”

Oh, yeah—Miss Manners was on local PBS radio station earlier this week, taking listeners’ calls on how to handle (um) various situations. I dearly wish someone had phoned in with this one.

Except I’d probably have driven into a tree.

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