Friday, August 23, 2013

The cure for what ails you

My friend the Pundit’s Apprentice sent this round to his email list recently. I find it strangely compelling, since I’ve often wondered whether the world would operate better for me if I just banged my head against a wall long enough to turn my brain to mush. I overthink pretty much everything.

Thing is—I’ve got a rather uneasy feeling that you can accomplish the same thing, without resorting to MinusIQ™ drugs; because it really does seem to me that the very act of signing up for a Twitter account lowers your IQ by at least 27 points. Along with the concomitant shedding of grammar, circumspection, civility and all sense of actions (and words) having consequences.

(Actually, the company that produced it has other very compelling—if not as amusing—videos on its site. Have a look:

Anyhow—it’s tequila o’clock on Funky Friday, so enjoy the possibilities.

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