Friday, August 30, 2013

Oh--and his soap ISN'T funny

It’s Friday, so time for a little something different. And, you know, our antipodean brothers and sisters just take a different approach to public service announcements. Even for subjects that everyone knows aren’t amusing.

You’ll recall the video from the Victoria police laying out in pretty much words of one syllable what’ll happen if you drive drunk. (“You’ll be stuffed!”) Well, the Aussies aren’t the only ones who know how to frame the problem for the target audience.

Here’s a video from New Zealand pointing out how stupid you are when you’re high, and therefore how stupid you’re going to be behind the wheel if you try driving while loaded.

Here’s what I want to know—what does a grown man want with 12 frosty pigs?

No, wait; never mind. I think that falls into the category of TMI.

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