Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Keep on truckin'

I don’t ordinarily watch commercials on TV. As with all manner of online ads, I’ve trained my eyes so that I just don’t see them. (Thus all that work Google, Facebook and the Twitter-dot-com put into their ad-serving algorithms is just swirling down the drain when it comes to getting my attention and money.)

In fact, for the most part I’m afraid that television is basically a talking lamp to me—flickering lights with noise accompaniment.

Sometimes my ears prick up, though, and there was something about the sound of this Chevy Silverado commercial that made me look up.

There he is, our rugged hero; a guy and his truck. Out there on the range in the pissing-down rain, protecting his herd. But—no—there’s a calf gone missing! Noooo. And like the shepherd in the parable, our waxen-coated truck guy goes off in search of the lost little one.

And blah, blah, blah.

Until he finds it and cradles it to him.


But am I the only person watching that commercial who’s thinking, “Hey—that’s a beef cow! In two years or so (life span of beef cattle being less than three years), that little dogie’s going to be hauled to the slaughterhouse."

Perhaps towed behind that truck.

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