Friday, July 26, 2013

"You're drunk; & you missed the bowl"

For my Friday frivolity today, I offer you the latest in Singapore’s comprehensive, erm, comprehensiveness: the Pee Analyzer.

In an attempt to stem the tide of drunk driving, a posh nightclub has installed devices in the men’s room urinals that detect the alcohol level in a user’s pee. The devices are keyed to RFID cards that patrons get when they valet park their car, and the level is recorded on the card. If it’s over the legal limit, a sign lights up advising him he should consider alternative transport home.

(Not, you’ll notice, that he should stop drinking. It is in a bar, after all.)

The RFID card gets swiped again at the parking valet station, and the patron gets another chance to decide not to get behind the wheel.

This video ‘splains it all, although you have to wade through a lot of annoying music to get to it.

They claim that in a two-week period the pee analyzers ratted out 573 sloshed patrons, of whom 342 used the drive-home service or called a cab. I find those numbers not massively impressive—fewer than 40 per night? Although I suppose a lot of men’s room users could have been walk-in patrons.

As for women—they have to determine their level of consumption the old-fashioned way: waking up with a massive hangover, possibly in a bed not their own.

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