Friday, July 12, 2013

Spank you

This Funky Friday offering is for those who, like me, value the comma of direct address and other niceties of language that have disappeared from even Fortune 50 communications:

What’s so impressive to me is not just that Mali has captured scads of errors that are so common these days, and which the dreaded autocorrect promulgates; but that his delivery is so smooth.

Crank up the volume and enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. As one who works in a Public Affairs department, I verify and swear on a stack of Bibles that every time we get a Word version upgrade, one of first things we do is apply a macro to everyone's custom dictionary to never, never, ever allow the word Public without an "l". Especially when you're quoting in a national news release your Vice President of Public Affairs. You can see where that one went. Luckily it wasn't my release!
