Monday, July 22, 2013

Gratitude Monday: French toast & friendship

My Gratitude Monday for today entry may seem a little, oh, petty to you. 

Too bad.

I’m grateful for hole-in-the-wall diners only open for breakfast & lunch, where the waitress remembers someone who hasn’t been in for three years, greets her & asks after her mother.

I’m grateful for teeny tables not even big enough for one, even before they put on the salt & pepper shakers, the sugar/sweetener holder, the dish of little cream jobbers, the ketchup, jelly & jam packet container, the hot sauce & about five other things. & I’m grateful for the waitress just picking up most of that crap & lining the window sill with it to make room for our plates.

I’m grateful for really eggy French toast, with extra butter & maple syrup. I’m grateful for bacon cooked so it’s still wiggly (I do not like crisp bacon), which you can use to push around some of the melted butter & syrup on the French toast plate.

I’m grateful for two-and-a-half-hour breakfasts that don’t involve laptops (although, to be fair, there was a bit of smart-phone Internet searching to settle a couple of questions); just conversations, problem sharing (with a smattering of solving) & general friendship.

I’m grateful for leaving a diner feeling much, much better than I did when I arrived. & that is not petty at all.

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