Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tottering into decrepitude

Are you feeling old? A research study by Engage Mutual insurance company in Britain has helpfully provided 50 indicators that you’re getting on.

Interesting about the sherry drinking—is that any sherry? & the face cream/anti-aging products. In California women (& probably men, too, now that I think of it) buy that stuff, because once you get your first wrinkle you start becoming invisible.

& I don’t know about always driving in the slow lane. I’ve noticed a lot of the silver-haired set around here not in the slow lane…but going at 50mph & oblivious of cars whizzing past them on either side.

As for falling asleep in front of the TV—well, I can’t focus on most of what’s broadcast long enough to fall asleep.

A Guardian piece takes the analysis further. I like his elegy on the Stone Roses. But I’m a little uneasy that I actually got all his poetry references.

If I learned them in high school, does that mitigate categorizing my age?

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