Monday, May 13, 2013

Gratitude Monday: Roots & wings

I think mothers deserve more than one day of praise, so here it is, Monday, and I’m still grateful for moms.

All of them.

My BFF, who raised three sons to manhood through really difficult times; who stuck with them no matter what. I had the privilege of seeing the concept of unconditional love put into practice over a period of years. I am in awe.

My friend Carol Ann—mom to two, grandmother to three, videographer, cat-herder, feeder of squirrels and weekly breakfaster. Carol Ann told me that a parent’s responsibility is to give her children roots and; wings; too right, and that’s what she’s done.

My friend Marcia—mom to two, grandmother to four, bell ringer, walker of dogs and feeder of cats; lady of leisure, now (ha!). She’s the ’rent who’s called upon to help with a move or a wedding or a ride to the airport; and she’s always there. With the occasional shinny down the drainpipe. (Just kidding.)

My colleague Hanne, and her mother. Every time Hanne’s mom comes over from Denmark to West Virginia, there’s a sense of joy that even at a distance makes me feel lighter; and I’ve never met the woman.

My choir-mate JQ, who’s now reveling in the accomplishments of her daughter, G-race. You go, girls.

My friend Chris—loving mother, daughter and sister. Who phoned her son Robbie in Hawaii from a Cazimero Brothers concert at Wolf Trap, leaving snippets of the songs on his voice mail.

My friend Amy, the girl from Oklahoma who’s home-schooling her kids in Latin and chemistry, and took them panning for gold.

My friend Penelope, mother, opera-lover and athlete. Who got on the case to clear up that little matter of her son's EU work authorization. Do not underestimate mother-power. Ever.

So many others, too. I apologize for not naming all the names. But you know who you are.

The legacy they are creating is amazing.

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