Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cookie monster redux

Oh—those cookies I mentioned? The ones I was making to send to my friend Ros?

I just paid $77.23 in postage to mail them to the UK.

I feel like an idiot. But the only box I could fit five dozen cookies into was one of those Priority Mail things; and with those, you pays what you pays based on size. (So yes—size does matter.)

I mentioned this—the $77.23—to a friend of mine. He said, “You should have just sent $20 and the recipe. And you could PayPal the money and email the recipe.”

Well, sure—now I could.


  1. Did I ever mention that sometimes your an idiot? Welcome to my world. I probably would have done the same damn thing.

  2. Oh, nuts. That's like saying, "I coulda brought you flowers, but it was cheaper to bring you a packet of seeds and directions to the nearest source of water." It's the making that is the gift.
