Thursday, March 7, 2013

Holy crime wave!

Not sure how this story places in the News of the Weird scale when compared with Dennis Rodman making diplomatic inroads into North Korea, but I still offer it up to you.

Seems that Bradford, Yorkshire (UK), police were seeking a person of interest in a number of crimes (including fraud and fencing stolen goods), when out of the night (or at least, out of Yorkshire) a man dressed in full Batman regalia showed up with the alleged perp in tow.

And when I say “full” I mean it in the sense that the Caped Crusader had clearly had a lot more bacon butties than Christian Bale or George Clooney.

(Yorkshire is not exactly next door to the West Midlands of PD Peach fame. Still, the weirdest crime stories seem to be coming out of England lately.)

The coppers are insisting they don’t know who that masked man was, although there’s speculation that he, at the least, is someone who knows the perp.

That might or might not rule out one of the names mentioned by British bookies as a possibility, being a Yorkshireman: Alan Titchmarch, the doyen of garden programs. I’m keeping an open mind on that one.

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