Thursday, February 7, 2013

Yes, Virginia, they're just all idiots

I have to say that those cards in Virginia’s House of Delegates (the state Lege, as Molly Ivins used to call its Texas counterpart) are giving our Congressmorons a run for their money.

Actually—that’s what they’re literally intending to do: mint their own coins. On account of they think the Fed is leading us all into hell in a handbasket. 

(Look, don’t ask me how you get anywhere, much less hell, in a handbasket. 1. I don’t exactly know what a handbasket is, although I’m thinking probably looks like a dressed-down Easter basket. 2. It’s something my father used to say. A lot.)

They’ve not yet got so far as to start melting down the wedding rings of the wives of plantation owners. Just voted two to one to commission a study on how they’d go about doing that. The charge is being led by Republicans; whatever that might mean.

I know nothing, of course—I’ve been out of the Commonwealth since 2008. But apparently the good men at Richmond (or “the Holy City”, as my thesis advisor used to refer to it) haven’t read about the whole misery of the early US under the Articles of Confederation, when each of the 13 states could issue its own currency & none had to accept anyone else’s. Do they really think Amazon is going to take Virginia nickels?

Or they’ve forgot about that little dust-up from 1861-65 when they pretty much crapped out on the whole concept that individual states (even confederated states) could go their notional own way. I’m thinking Appomattox Court House, here, Delegates. Ring a bell?

Honestly—you just have to wonder whether these buffoons are smoking something besides tobacco down there.

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